Chief Apostle David D. Pittman
Chief Apostle David D. Pittman is a third generational Gospel preacher reared in the church at Saint’s Chapel Church of God in Christ located in Houston, TX which was pioneered and shepherded by his grandfather Pastor Bengamin E. Boulding, Sr. Apostle Pittman’s mother, Lay Pastor Rose M. Nelms, spoke prophetically into Apostle Pittman’s life when he was a child declaring and decreeing his ultimate call to ministry. Apostle Pittman received salvation in Jesus Christ in June 1984 and from that point on he has been a faithful steward of God’s calling on his life. In May 1985 he was called into ministry under the leadership of Elder Charles D. Hill at the Fairbanks Church of God in Christ and served as an associate Minister from May 1986 to April 1990. It was during this time that Apostle Pittman met his help meet and co-laborer in the gospel, Shelia Joy Josey. The two were united in matrimony on January 2, 1987. Together, they nurture and admonish three children: Charles, Davinia and David, and are the loving grandparents of three: Daviniece, Michayla and Ariel.
Apostle Pittman became the Pastor of Miracle Chapel Church of God in Christ on April 14, 1990 and served there until May 11, 1997. On May 18, 1997 Apostle Pittman founded The Rock Church of God in Christ. It was during this period that the Holy Spirit began to direct Apostle Pittman in the direction of divine apostolic atmosphere as the Lord began to send men of God who operated in the “Five Fold Ministry” realm and administration. Therefore, on March 14, 1998, Apostle Pittman founded The Rock Ministries International which was divinely authored by the Holy Spirit. Apostle Pittman attends Texas Southern University and attended the College of Biblical Studies Houston. Never one to remain idle, Apostle Pittman has dedicated himself to the upward mobility of people of God. He is often called upon to preach to congregations regarding God’s divine plan for blessing in the ministry of sowing and reaping. His energetic preaching style and infusions of humor endear him to listeners in any setting. The revealed word of God and the power of the Spirit flow through Apostle Pittman to break yokes and empower believers. Apostle Pittman operates in the prophetic, healing, and deliverance ministries. People’s lives are instantly changes as God uses him to minister to those whose hearts are open to God’s divine plan.

Chief Prophetess Sheila J. Pittman
Chief Prophetess, Pastor Shelia Joy Josey-Pittman is the co-founder and Chief Administrator of The Rock Ministries International in Humble, Texas. She was ordained as a Prophetess through the Unity Alliance Fellowship of Churches in 1999. In August 2006, she was confirmed as Pastor of The Rock Ministries International. Pastor Pittman is an unparalleled first lady, giving women an example of both elegance and service. In addition to her duties as Pastor, she is a featured sermonic soloist, speaker at many churches,
gives dynamic inspirational messages, and is the weekly voice of welcome at The Rock. Pastor works diligently in every phase of the ministry ensuring that the vision written out by the Apostle is carried
to the disciples for action. She participates in outreach and evangelism on many levels, from the pulpit to the streets.
Pastor Pittman is always willing to render service to God, whether singing a sermonic solo, preaching a crusade or women’s conference, counseling the troubled, or teaching a seminar. She is also a seer, having received from God the insight into many situations and issues that allows her to minister a personal word of wisdom and knowledge to many she comes in contact with. She is a spiritual warrior, operating in the deliverance ministry and interceding for the saints of God with vigor and earnestness.
Pastor Pittman is the founder & Director of WARR (Women Achieving Richly through Righteousness), a ministry that reaches beyond the confines of The Rock to touch women with love, fellowship and practical application of the Word of God. In her, many have found a leader, an example and a trusted friend. Her goal is to see all fully equipped for ministry and working in accordance with their calling.
Pastor Pittman is currently employed as a Chemistry Lab Manager for the Memorial Hermann Hospital System. She is a degreed Chemical Technologist; having attended Texas Women’s University and graduated from Prairie View A & M University. She hails from the city of Brookshire, Texas.
Pastor Pittman has served in many areas of Christian service, holding numerous positions in the various jurisdictions of the Church of God in Christ. She is known for her emphatic and dramatic preaching and for her use of thought-provoking questions to urge others into greatness.
Pastor Pittman is the wife and helpmeet of Chief Apostle David D. Pittman founder of The Rock Ministries International. The two were united in matrimony on January 2, 1987. Together, they nurture and admonish three children: Charles, Davinia and David Collin, and are the loving grandparents of three: Daviniece, Michayla and Ariel.
“Taking God’s People to a Higher Place.”